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Maggie Litter 4

November 24, 2022 - Maggie came into heat for us on Thanksgiving. Good timing?? Well, we were excited!! She was bred to Teddy on December 3rd.

December 30. 2022 - Maggie had her appointment at the reproduction vet to confirm her pregnancy. The ultrasound showed 7 pups and possibly an 8th. this is not a guarantee so we shall see. So far this vet has been on the money so we're feeling hoopeful. Her due date is February 2nd +/- a day. Can't wait to snuggle those little puppies!!

How about that walk, Mom!! Maggie is giving me the 'stink eye'. This was just after our 5 hours in the car to get her ultra sound. We go to a reproduction vet outside of Lancaster, PA. She thought I was going to take her for a walk at her favorite spot. Sorry, Mags!


January 26th, 2023 - Maggie is progressing and I think she is probably ready to move on and get those pups out of her belly. I can feel them and they are very active. You can even see her belly moving. Tomorrow we go to the Reproduction vet for an x-ray to confirm how many are in there and to see if everything is looking normal. Later in the afternoon we have an appointment with our local vet who will be on stand by in the event we have an issue during whelping.

Maggie's whelping area is all set up. Her whelping box is tented for privacy. I will remove the cover during whelping because I will need to see what is going on but after the pups are here I will put it back as she seems to feel more secure in a little cave. Most of our small living room is fenced off from the other dogs. They could possibly hurt or kill the pups.  Maggie will also not want them near them. That sofa will be where I will be sleeping for the first three plus weeks. 

Maggie got her pre-whelping groom complete with a doggie Brazilian. You can see the difference in these two pictures. Though I love her with a longer 'do' this shorter cut and clean shaving tummy is going to be very helpful in keeping her clean during whelping and puppy care. It's a messy business!

I will update after our vet appointments tomorrow and will hopefully have the x-ray to share. 

Paws crossed!!


January 28th, 2023 - Well we now know why Maggie's belly is so HUGE. Though the ultrasound in December showed 7 - 8 pups the x-ray yesterday shows 11 +. Yes, you read that right!  I was shocked to say the least. Below is her x-ray with the puppies marked.

This certainly changes some things as to what we must plan for this coming week and over the next 8 -10 weeks. But that is the value in getting an x-ray at this stage because it lets you know what to expect so that you are prepared...mentally, supply and help wise as well as a vet on emergency standby if needed.  Since Maggie has had litters before and problem free whelping's the vet is expecting everything to go as normal. Paws crossed!!


February 3rd, 2023 - We have puppies! Maggie gave birth to 11 sweet pups yesterday. We have  6 little girls and 5 little boys. There are 4 black girls, 1 black boy, 4 merle boys and 2 merle girls. Unfortunately there was a 12th pup that was still born. We were kind of expecting that due to what the x-ray was showing. Everyone is doing fine. Maggie is pretty exhausted but has been getting some good sleep. Have to say Bill and I are pretty tired too. It was a long 24 hours!! 

MAGGIE AND  PUPS FEB 2 2023 2.jpg

February 4th, 2023 - Everyone is doing great! Maggie has taken a bit of time away from the pups to hang out in the yard with Ozzie and Katie. Maggie doesn't stay away long though. Here is a pic of the pups today along with their latest weight chart. Everyone is gaining as they should. You want to shoot for 5-10% of weight gain a day and everyone passed the 10% mark. I definitely have a couple of little porkers!

puppies day feb 4th_edited.jpg

February 5th, 2023 - Just a lot of eating and sleeping on this lazy Sunday. As you can see in the one video we have a little acrobat!

sunday feb 5th_edited.jpg

Febuary 7th, 2023 - Below is yesterday's weight chart for the pups. We weigh them every day the first week to be sure everyone is gaining as they should. The goal is for them to each gain 5 - 10 % in weight each day. We want them to double their birthweight between 7 and 10 days. So far everyone is meeting their goals. A few 'chubsters' are definitely over achieving!

PUPPY WEIGHTS 2 6 2023.jpg

February 16th, 2023 - We are two weeks old today! Here is the chart for week 2 weights. Everyone has doubled their weights. And as you can see we have some chunksters in the group. We will be working on individual pictures for later today.

week 2 weights.jpg

February 17th, 2023 - Individual puppy pictures were just not working out today. No one would sit or stay. I even waited until after they had eaten thinking their milk coma would help. So, instead I took these two videos which should let you see what each one looks like as well as them interacting. This was the first day I saw some playing together. They are really coming to life!

February 18th, 2023 - Below are some videos from today. I had noticed the last few days that the pups were sleeping on one side of the whelping box and when they would wake up they walked to the other side to pee. They are just 16 days old at this point. Usually at week 3 I split the whelping box with a sleeping area on one side and potty pads on the other. This is the beginning of potty training as dogs will naturally not pee where they sleep. This litter is ahead of the game so I went ahead and split the box today. You can see the set up in the pictures as well as see that they are using the potty pads.

So what else is in the whelping box? You have probably noticed the cream colored, fluffy stuff...that is natural lambs wool. I also have vet fleece (the gray covering you'll see) from the United Kingdom. Only the best for my babies!  This fluffier flooring gives the pups some traction on their hind legs as they scramble for a place at the milk bar. It keeps their legs from hyper extending which, according to some experts, is better for their hip development and potential issues later in life. More research is being done on this but so far it suggests that this kind of bedding is beneficial. 

I'm still keeping the whelping box partially covered as their eyes have just opened and they need a few days to adjust before they are exposed to regular, brighter light. It also helps keep the box warmer.


A friendly reminder....

When you get your 8/10-week-old puppies, please keep this image in mind. Their bones do not even touch yet. They plod around so cutely with big floppy paws and wobbly movement because their joints are entirely made up of muscle, tendons, ligaments with skin covering. Nothing is fitting tightly together or has a true socket yet.

Look at how far the bones have to grow before they become a proper bony joint! This is why you should never let puppies jump, walk up/downstairs, over exercise or over train. Doing too much impact activity at a young age will cause serious issues later in life, or even at a young age as hip dysplasia and other orthopaedic conditions are rising in puppies! When you run them excessively or don't restrict their exercise to stop them from overdoing it during this period you don't give them a chance to grow properly. Every big jump or excited bouncing run causes impacts between the bones. In reasonable amounts this is not problematic and is the normal wear and tear that every animal will engage in. When you're letting puppy jump up and down off the lounge or bed, take them for long walks/hikes, you are damaging that forming joint. When you let the puppy scramble on tile with no traction you are damaging the joint

You only get the chance to grow them once. A well-built body is something that comes from excellent breeding and a great upbringing-BOTH, not just one. Enjoy your new puppy but remember you wouldn't make a 6-month-old baby run a mile a day so don't make your puppy either. Once grown you will have the rest of their life to spend playing and engaging in higher impact exercise. So, keep it calm while they're still little baby puppies and give the gift that can only be given once. 


February 20th, 2023 - Today's video should give you a good view of each pup. Enjoy!

March 1, 2023 - I can't believe they will be a month old tomorrow! Time is flying. These little nuggets are getting very busy!! I am starting to see personalities emerge.  Some of them have quite a few teeth.

The side by side photos show how much they have changed from the one taken today and the one four weeks ago.  Enjoy the video of them playing.

Pick week will begin March 17th. I will be contacting those with reservations to make an appointment.

puppies march 1.jpg

March 5, 2023 - It's been busy!! So busy I forgot to take weights on Thursday but we did get to them yesterday. As you can see they are really growing!!


The pups are eating 5 times a day and I am weaning them off of Maggie. They are really enjoying their puppy mush.  They are little peeing and pooping machines. They are doing pretty good using the potty area or at least close to it. We are working on that! They are busy playing with some new toys and have been mastering the wobble board. More new obstacles and toys to be introduced this coming week. I will be taking down the whelping box and setting up a large crate for them to sleep in as well as a bigger play area.

And my exciting news, at least for me anyway, is that last night I got to sleep in my bed for the first time in over 4 weeks. It was awesome! :) I did have my baby monitor and puppy cam right their next to me to keep and ear and eye out for those sweet little nuggets. Of course I did have to get up a few times for feedings and clean up.

weights 4 weeks.jpg

March 9th, 2023 - WOW....we are 5 weeks old today! Where is the time going?? Everyone is thriving and personalities are really starting to evolve. Almost all teeth are in. When I sit with them in their pen it's like sitting with a school of little piranha's!

Next week begins selection week. I will be contacting those on my list to set up appointments. As of today there are a few pups available so get those applications in and get on the selection list for next week.

Enjoy the pictures.

Maggie Litter Three

January 30th, 2021 - Maggie came into heat mid month and was bred on January 28th. We go back in 4 weeks for her ultrasound to verify pregnancy.

March 1st, 2021 - Maggie had her ultrasound today and the vet sees seven pups.  Of course there is no gurantee at this point. It's a plus/minus kinda thing. Her due date is March 28th +/- a day or two. 


March 20th, 2021 - Maggie is doing great but I think as any expectant Mom is at this stage she's about had it.  Time to get on with the birthin' part. Her bellie is huge and you can see the pups moving around.  There is a party goin' on in there!! One week to go.  She goes for x-rays on Monday so maybe we will get a better count on how many pups to expect.

February 22nd, 2023 - We just ate our breakfast and we are very busy!

March 23rd, 2021 - Maggie had her vet visit yesterday to get an xray to get a fetal count.  Looks like we have seven confirmed. 

Maggie Hansen.jpg

March 26th, 2021 - The wait continues... just two days to go. Maggie is enjoying this beautiful sunny day as she relaxes before her work begins. She is becoming increasingly needy as her time approaches. So far the only 'nesting' activity has occurred in my bed as that is where she usually sleeps.  It is time to redirect her to the whelping box!


Look at that belly!  It gets bigger every day! Her milk is already in. She is sporting her 'doggie brazilian' which helps us keep things nice and clean throughout whelping and for the weeks to follow. We're excited and I think Mags is ready to get this show going!!


March 29th, 2021 - We have babies!  Maggie starting delivering about 6:10PM yesterday and was finished by 9:40PM. She is a pro and did a great  job!  

We ended up with 8 babies...we were expecting 7 but got a bonus pup!  She has 4 merle and four black. Five girls and three boys.

Everyone is nursing well. Maggie is recovering and so are we! It was a long night.

I'll post weights in the next day or two.  Maggie was not excited about me taking pups away from her to weigh so I followed her lead. She's looking a bit tired in her pic below. She worked hard.


March 31st, 2021 - These little nuggets are growing like weeds. Below you can see my weight chart. Two of the little merle girls were very tiny when they were born. I have made it my mission to be sure they get their turn at the milk bar. When Maggie leaves and then returns to the box I let them have about 5 minutes latched on before I let the rest of the crew in. I do this all day and all night. Some of the bigger ones will nudge the little ones off.  I am very happy with how much they have all gained. We are right on track. Everyone is big enough to wear their colored collars now so it will be easier to keep track.  And...those are ounces folks. Green boy is just barely over a pound. We've got some chunksters!! Maggie is holding true to form in having plenty of milk to go around.


April 7th, 2021 - It's been busy! The pups are thriving and everyone is gaining as they should. Maggie is spending a bit more time away from the whelping box and has her pups on a good feeding schedule. Their eyes should be opening by the weekend. Thursday we have our first vet visit.

weight chart april 7.jpg

My apologies for the pictures. They just would not sit and stay!

April 11th, 2021 - Good Sunday morning!  Can't believe these little nuggest are 15 days old already. They had their first vet visit on Thursday and everyone checked out just fine. They go back in two weeks for their first worming.  Bill and I are doing losts of loving and snuggling with them, well as much as Maggie will allow. She is still very protective so we have to sneak that in when she is outside doing her thing.

Maggie continues to be a very attentive Mom.  She has her nursing schedule at about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours now.  They are VERY enthusiastic during nursing!! Maggie is eating about 4 pounds of food a day to keep up with her milk production. 

This week I split the whelping box in half meaning blanketing in half and potty pads in the other half. Believe it or not...time to begin potty training.  It is amazing that these litte tikes will go on the potty pad and then get back on the blanket. Well, not everyone all the time yet but this is the beginning. 

I have also introduced a water bowl. It is the kind you would use as a travel water bowl.  I use this for Ozzie and Maggie in the car. It is safe so no one can drown. Though they will not be ready to start solid foods until next week this introduces the idea of lapping.

A reminder if you are reading this that you pick of a pup will depend upon your position on my list. You can find out more about that HERE.


April 17th, 2021 - I can't believe these little nuggets are three weeks old already. It has been a busy week. Everyon'e eyes are open and they are really starting to interact with us humans as well as their siblings. There are some beginnings of barks and growls. They are being pretty good about peeing on the potty pads...certainly not all the time but heck...their just three weeks old. They got nails trimmed twice this week. Since they are pretty enthusiastic while nursing I have to keep this up every two to three days so Maggie's tummy is not scratched.

Maggie is nursing every 3 to 3 1/2 hours now. (That means I'm getting more sleep in between at night! ) They are pretty aggressive eaters and no doubt once teeth start popping in Maggie will be less enthusiastic about feeding time. I am looking at about week 4 to 4 1/2 weeks to start weaning. I'll listen to Maggie and the pups to see when everyone is ready. Some breeders start weaning at this point but to me since Maggie is still nursing and being attentive there is no reason to interfere. And solid food means poop clean up and for now Maggie is handling that part for me. :)

Below is this weeks weight chart. I've got some chubsters!!

I am posting pictures pretty regularly to Facebook.


April 27th, 2021 - WEEK FOUR ALREADY!!  It's been busy in puppy world. They are really playing with eachother now...lot's of wrestling and dog noises. Teeth are in on some and halfway on others. 

Monday we had a visit to the vet and their first worming. Everyone is doing great and gaining. This weeks weight chart will be below.

Enjoy the vid!!


May 3rd, 2021 - WOW...week 5 already. We have had a busy week. Last Thrusday I started with puppy mash and everyone took to it.  Over the next week I will be weaning them off of Momma. It takes a little time for everyone to realize that puppy mash is going to be 'it' in the food department. They are also getting the idea of drinking water. I have a few I need to work with a little bit before they will totally understand this new food/water thing. 

Everyday now, twice a day, we take them into the livingroom for a romp. Everything is made puppy safe.  They really enjoy it and after about 20 minutes start to tire out. Once back in their pen they pass out for a couple of hours. It is so much fun watching them run and play.

Yesterday was their first day outside. They really loved it. And wouldn't you know that digging is so natural that I had two diggers first day out. Today is rainy, unfortunately, so we are sticckign to inside play. Looking forward to getting them outside everyday possible this coming week.

Puppy pick weekend is coming up this next weekend. I'll be in touch to schedule appointments.